Mandas Toys and Clothes for Petz 3, 4, and 5

Petz 3 and 4 versions will have most of the toyz except the pink food bowl, pacifiers show up as an extra bottle.
Petz 5 versions show up as themselves on the shelf.


Banana P3 - Banana P4 - Banana P5

Pink Dog Food

Food P3 - Food P4


Kong P3 - Kong P4 - Kong P5


Panda P3 - Panda P4 - Panda P5

Teddy Bear

Teddy Bear P3 - Teddy Bear P4 - Teddy bear P5


Froggy P3 - Froggy P4 - Froggy P5

Polar Bear

Polar bear P3 - Polar Bear P4 - Polar Bear P5


Pacifiers P3 - Pacifiers P4 - Pacifiers P5

Ghosty Toy

Ghosty Toy P3 - Ghosty Toy P4 - Ghosty Toy P5

Halloween Treats

Halloween treats P3 - Halloween Treats P4 -Halloween Treats P5


Rooster P3 - Baby Chick P3 - Hen P3
Rooster P4 - Baby Chick P4 - Hen P4
Rooster P5 - Baby Chick P5 - Hen P5

Fruit Treats

Fruit Treatz for your petz! Birdz not included :)
Fruit treats P5

Shamrock Boppers

Boppers P3 - Boppers P4 - Boppers P5

Puss in Boots clothes

When in the toy case it looks like a red hat and knife
Hat and sword P5

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